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I Shouldn't Have Traveled To Panama Before Learning These 6 Things.

 What's up guys your boy yo checking and look panama city, panama city guys? So if you've never been to panama city - and you think you know panama city, because you've been to central america or the caribbean, it's different, it's a little different. So it was my second time there and it's an interesting place for those who don't know. Panama city has a lot of history with the us, and you could definitely feel that crossover in the infrastructure and and a bunch of stuff. So, look: let's get right into it.

So first thing first and this one was a big one for me: airbnb versus hotels, I'ma just come out and say it. I strongly recommend you get a hotel in panama, as opposed to airbnb and for anyone who has even watched a few of my videos. You guys know, I am not a hotel person, but look hear me out the way panama city is set up, praise and location wise, it's one of the few countries that actually makes sense to book a hotel, and it's for a few reasons.

Panama runs on a us dollar and we'll talk a lot more about that in a minute, but kind of as a result of this many hotels, often like the same price, if not less expensive than airbnbs and at the same time is better quality and I'll. Put a video up in my hotel, so you can see you know kind of the the the feel in a vibe of the hotel, what you get for your money, um and all that stuff, and you can kind of make the comparison, because I also put some Airbnbs here, just so you're able to compare it, but, as I was saying, you kind of don't get that price perk that you're used to um in other countries, where you're going to be paying less for airbnb and getting equal quality. It's kind of the reverse another airbnb pro that becomes a nonfactor and panama city is the kitchen and cooking perks.

Since groceries are priced in the us dollar a lot of times, you'll find yourself ordering out way more than you'll find yourself cooking, and you know the price difference is negligible as far as if you order out or you go grocery shopping because it's working on a Us dollar and those prices can kind of get up there and look as a person who stays in a bunch of airbnbs. I love the fact that I could go out cook, but when the price is coming up, it's the same as if I'm going to order out. Of course, I'm going to order out um on top of that hotel culture and panama is surprisingly more inviting than airbnbs.

In other countries they operate a lot more. Like us hotels, again we get into that. You know.

I don't know if I want to call it the us influence, but it's way more similar to a us hotel. You know that doesn't micromanage as much as hotels and other countries unless they absolutely need to so, whereas in other countries you know you have hotels who have the tendency to knock on your door when the music is too loud watch it was coming in and out All of that stuff is that's not the vibing, panama, it's a way more relaxed vibe, and you know I really didn't feel like I was being you know, watched I felt like I had that privacy and liberty that I usually have in airbnb. So if I'm going to pay the same amount of money, why not get a hotel now this isn't to say that she could bring 15 people in a panama hotel and have a party? No, that's not going to work, and I mean the way airbnb is going nowadays you're not going to be able to do that in airbnbz either, but it is to say that it's a way more relaxed, vibe and just the last point before I just switched the Subject here is location, so the location bonus is going to completely blow out anything you're going to be able to find on airbnb, and this means staying in a hotel um for the same price. You're going to actually get a better location, be in like the city center areas, which are you know, full of hotels as opposed to the airbnbs which are on the outskirts.

So if you have a 80 hotel right in the middle of costco viejo, which is like you know, the old town um, the colonial city, think about cartagena. You're going to be able to get that versus something on the outskirts paying eighty dollars and it may not. Even be as luxurious as the hotel in the city center, so four panama city, only for panama city, look guys, I'm not arguing for uh hotels in general, just panama city, I think, is super important that you guys look at hotels versus airbnbs. It's a better bang! For your buck, so speaking about bucks, we'll get right into the next topic, which is money and prices so guys for those who don't know panama operates off the us dollar, I'm not talking about the way taurus there is in mexico or jamaica operate off the us.

I'm talking about the way us does so literally the first time I went to the country, I remember taking out a five dollar bill and asking my friend if I could use this to pay for something right. This is a little story. She said. Yes, I say you sure, I'm just checking it out, you know just checking the temperature.

She opened up her wallet and showed me her 10 hour us bill. Just for the record I shut up, and I i just kept going because she she flexed on me and now I know a lot of you may be thinking. Well, it's a good thing right, because now you get to avoid the currency exchange you get to avoid. Having to constantly convert numbers, you get to hopscotch overall, learn that stuff.

Well, it depends for me I'd say it's a good thing if panama was using a dollar as like a second currency which is kinda is but at the same time it's not because the panamanian boulevard is set to the us dollar one to one. So it's literally no difference. It has the same purchasing power, which means, let's say, if there's a can of cocacola right and panama for one boulevard. It's also one dollar, as opposed to, if there's a can of cocacola in mexico for three pesos.

It's probably 50 cent. Us now, of course, you know this all depends on the country and state you're coming from. If this is going to make a big difference, because some people living in new york, who don't mind paying a dollar for a can of coke, just for example, but there's other people who live in other parts of the city, countries and all that - and that will Be a lot of money, so it's just something to keep your eyes out, for you will be paying the us dollars. A lot of the prices that I experienced were like, like almost identical to new york prices, for example, if you're going to go out and get an appetizer going to be paying like eight nine dollars um.

So you won't see those discounts that you're used to um. Seeing in other countries - and that could be really tricky, especially if you're used to budgeting based on the prices you've experienced in latin america countries like I said it's a little different um. So that's something to look out for, and on top of that, just so you know and as I alluded to my friend whipping out that 10 bill don't go to panama with the idea that the green is um. Gold don't go there, thinking that the american dollar is just super strong currency.

That can let you do what you want, because you know it's not there to earn dollars as well. So it is what it is. Leave your american pride leave your american um, let's say privilege at the door, all right, guys, number three infrastructure and safety, and I know a lot of people may be thinking.

Why did I put the two together? So let me explain a lot of times. We don't realize it, but our general feelings of how safer place is is based on how developed the country is, how developed the neighborhood is. So when we see broken down buildings and unpaved roads, we think there's a ton of crime, and this is why I almost view panama city as latin america's miami minus. You know the south beach panama from a skyline.

It's like literally full of skyscrapers big buildings. Super high buildings, all of that stuff, you get this sense of like security safety. You know if it's all of this uh infrastructure, they got to be a lot of money here, which means there's a lot of protection here, which is generally true, but just as their sketchy parts of miami they're sketchy parts, the panama.

So I don't want you to make the false like equivalent and you definitely get that feeling once you get off the air uh the airport and you ride into the city, because you can see it post guideline, so you may relax your guard a little bit. But I don't want you to keep your eyes open, stay weird because, as you've seen like some of my other videos, I go walk in the neighborhoods and there's pockets. Where you know there is some um, let's say less than safe feeling neighborhoods around but um.

It's important that you just keep that in mind as you navigate the city and um get a feel of the things you want to do, make sure you're doing your research. So you don't end up in one of those neighborhoods all right, guys. Number four talking about navigating the city number four is things to do and duration.

So I kind of break this section into two pieces, because everyone is different right. Everybody got their like travel preferences, so I'm going to say you know. Unless you're coming to panama purely for the nightlife, you will need at least four days in a country. I repeat, you will need at least four days in a country.

Why do you say that? Well, all right, I'm going to say it like this. How I see it panama city, is pretty huge and there's a lot of things to do in a city itself. You know nightlife and sightseeing.

I think those things are pretty possible to do in maybe three days, but then you get into the activities that are outside of the actual city. Like you know, going to islands, um checking out the nature, checking out the countryside. All of those things are kind of things that are like one, a day kind of things.

So if you want to do four things outside of the city, that's four days yourself, it's going to be hard to fit anything else in that day, if you actually leave the city, you want to make sure you plan ahead for those things you want to make Sure you're making the agenda with you know things that are realistic, so you're not packing an agenda with like oh I'm, going to an island this day, but I'm also going zipline and oh I'm going to the countryside this day, but I'm also going here. You know you want to make sure you keep it out of mind um, while you're planning and definitely getting a longer stay, so you can actually enjoy your state now, if you're going just for the weekend to turn up, I'm telling you you could do that in Three days, but anything more if you're really trying to have like a vacation where you're getting like things done, and you see in the country you're going to want to start with four and I would say, go up to maybe like 70s, just to fully get you Know get a hold of everything all right number five, this one's going to be quick. It didn't really affect me, but I think it's important to say because it could affect you depending on when you're traveling and that's the weather, um I'ma just say.

While I was there, the weather's treating me really good, but I've heard some really bad stories about the rainy season in panama, um I'll, put the uh the general months down here I heard about flooding, storms and like it just could be miserable and panama city. Isn't one of those cities that you know you can, at least from my perspective, you can like really enjoy yourself when it rains it's just such a good place to be outdoors and it's such a good place to be able to you, know, mix and mingle and Travel around and I don't know I didn't - find it a place that you could be indoors and enjoy yourself but teach yourself, but I just don't want to throw that in make sure you try to avoid the rainy season as much as you can. Alright guys number six, I know you guys are tired of hearing me.

My throat hurt and all of that guys. This is a lot of work posts. Perfect all right check it out so number six and I hope you guys are super disappointed, but it's nightlife and I'm just going to say it. I wasn't able to make night like video while I was in panama city.

I'm sorry sue me guys uh, but I do want to point out that panama is super underrated when it comes to nightlife. A lot of people skip overnight life and they talk about places like columbia, the uh puerto rico, all that stuff and they just completely leave off panama, there's completely leave off panama and it's crazy because and I'm a victim of this too. I got ta raise my hand, it's crazy, because panama has so many reggaeton artists and uh. They represent so crazy, but they do get overlooked and uh just a quick story.

When I was learning spanish. One of my favorite artists was this: was this black guy called sech uh darkskinned guy he's like reggaeton biggest malls like big dude uh, and I thought this dude was from the dr. I thought this dude was dominican, bro cause.

He looked like big papi or david ortiz, so I'm thinking this dude is from uh, dr because he's on all these songs with the big artists, puerto rican artist, um and then I find I'll do this from panama and I'm like yo. What doing it like this got? Ta check it out, so I went out there. It was rocking and rolling crazy.

You guys got ta check it out. The main spot for nightlife is costco viejo. I was over there in the daytime. I did check it out in the daytime for you guys if you want to watch that um again, costco viejo is like the old city in cartagena.

If you haven't been to cartagena, the whole city is like the colonial colorful city uh colorful buildings. I also um put some videos or pictures down here, so you can see that too um. But look I mean check it out. Man, just don't sleep on it.

You're going to have a good time and I think that's it guys. I think I'ma stop it here. Man I mean I got it all down, you know one. Two three got the six things.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I hope it helped you. I hope this is going to help. Your itinerary, please, like comment subscribe guys for real, like channel, cannot survive without the support.

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